I think that spending precious emotional and mental energies with hard headed social-democrats and followers of Bernie Sanders, The Green Party and Elizabeth Warren and other middle class social-democrat reformist leftist options is really a waste of precious physical and mental energies and time.
Do not try to convert social-democrat middle class anti-rebellion people into pro-communism americans, most of them love capitalism and they can live well within capitalism. What they hate is a little bit of corruption scandals and things like that. But they believe in the american way of life and in the american dream of the good 1950s
Because I think (I am not sure about it), but I think that most leftists who support social-democratic reformist political options (that are not authentic communists like Berny Sanders, Green Party, Nader and Elizabeth Warren), are people who belong to the middle class, to the white collar right-wing working class. These are workers who hate corporate neocons republicans and blue dog democrats. But at the same time, because most middle class white collar right-wing workers live a decent life with basic needs met and bills payed on time. They are not ready to lose their economic stability and risk it all, by supporting a political party, that is in favor of a dictatorship of the proletariat, and would turn USA into a sort of revolutionary civil war (which is needed) in the workers-dictatorship temporary stage.
You have to realize that most people who are economically and sociologically stable are not ready to risk it all. Only undocumented immigrants, prisoners, people living in pain, american indians and people who are desperate about a change might support political parties that are in favor of a temporary revolutionary stage which would require some kind of violence which is natural in all radical changes. And since most middle class liberal economically stable americans are so scared of blood, violence and are so pacifists. They would rather support 100% social reformist pro-status quo options like Nader, Green Party., etc. than pure marxist radical options in favor of a workers-dictatorship and a violent revolutionary civil war